Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Vet School Exam

Last Monday was my first exam of vet school in microanatomy and embryology. This is my least favorite class with my least favorite professor. Last semester, 24 students failed this class, so needless to say, I was worried about passing. Fortunately, I came out of the exam with a B. It was a really nice boost in confidence to start out with, especially as I have two exams this coming week. So far, I've done more studying in the past month than I had in all of undergrad.

On Monday, I have my first gross anatomy exam. It covers the thoracic limb muscles and bones of the dog and the horse and radiology of the limb and palpation of the limb on dog and horse and differences in cattle and cats. It's a lot of information, but I'm feeling pretty good about it. I never thought I would learn every muscle and where they attach to bones and what they do, but I have. Hopefully, I don't lose all the information before Monday. On Wednesday, I have a physio exam. I haven't done much studying yet because anatomy is first, but the physio professor likes to tell us exactly what is on the exam so I'm not worried. I will probably start studying for that tomorrow and cram after anatomy.

It hasn't been all work. Last weekend, we went to the movie theater and saw The Town. The theater here is really nice and movies aren't any more expensive than at home and probably cheaper. I also joined a beach volleyball team that plays a game every Friday. Last night our team won because the other team never showed up. Since I haven't played volleyball since I wrecked my thumb at my cousin Amber's graduation party about three years ago, it will be interesting to see how I do. Hopefully, next weekend we will actually get to play. I have also volunteered to feed at the "zoo". The zoo is some guy that has been collecting animals and keeps them in his backyard. We feed them in order to ensure that the animals are getting the nutrients they need. He has quite the variety including monkeys (which I avoid), ducks, chickens, a mongoose, geese, peahens, turtles, an iguana, and more. In addition, there are many rats and roaches that take advantage of the food we provide. I've done it once, but will be doing it every other week. I plan on wearing closed toed shoes and shorts so as to discourage the possibility of rats climbing up my leg.

For people not on facebook, I have posted pictures on flickr and will try to update them as often as possible, but there is a limit to how many photos can be uploaded in a period of time.

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